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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Food, Fun, and Frights!

So, as it turns out... the anxiously awaited Toga party was...cancelled :( But that's life right? So instead of crying about not being able to party like a Greek, my roommates and I got all dolled up and hit up the platitudinous town of Rexburg Idaho for a night of food, fun, and frights!
The quaint town of Rexburg may not seem like the ideal College town, which sadly I would agree with that, but, I will give it props for having a surprisingly delicious pizza and salad buffet restaurant called Craigo's. Now because there really isn't that much to do up here in Rexburg, Craigo's has been a refuge to the bored and hungry college men around town. So when my 3 roommates and I were tossing out ideas about what to do for the night, naturally we decided to head to Craigo's for some good food with a great view, if you know what I mean ;) And so after enjoying our dinner with a view, we headed back to our dorm, it only being 9:30. I sure wasn't ready to go to bed just yet so I got online and searched for the next best thing I could think of: ~The TwIlIgHt ZoNe~, yes the old black and white tower of terror t.v. series. Normally I'm not one who enjoys being scared, but I figured I could use a little Halloween pick-me-up. So as my roommates and I started the show, a horribly loud scream scared us from outside. We ran to the door and peeked our heads outside. 4 girls from upstairs were outside their door looking horrified so we asked them what was wrong. Now, I understand this may not sound sane, but... I'll leave it to you whether or not you think so. Anyway we run upstairs and the scared girls explain that a "light like a bar code" keeps appearing rolling slowly across the ceiling, and that for weeks now they've thought their apartment was haunted. To make a long story short, we were scared too, and eventually their apartment had to be blessed so that no more 'hauntings' would occur. Ya ya...sounds pretty lame the way I put it, but seriously, it was really freaky.
Anyway, sorry it's taken me SO long to post, I don't really know where the time goes but it sure does fly. So long for now :)

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