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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Haunting By the Ghost of My Past

After 18 consecutive years of coasting through life, I've come to the prudent conclusion that... wait for it... Life's what you make it. And no, it's not just the words to some incompetent teen star's cheesy lyrics. This phrases' unwarranted simplicity may not take you by surprise, but like I said, it's taken me 18 years to realize. So you're probably wondering what made me realize this small and simple conclusion, so I'll tell you.

Here I am, 18, single, and a first semester Freshman in college. Woah woah woah, let's back up a bit, to a time that was and is known as being extremely confusing, awkward, and downright annoying. What other time could I be describing? None other than High School.

I attended a fairly wealthy High School, where cliques were extremely prominent, and school pride was surprisingly high. Whenever the weekends would roll on around it meant practically a mandatory attendance at our 4-year state champion football team's home-game, stag dances, or hanging out at the local grocery store called Days Market. Now don't get me wrong, these activities were absolutely great... for the first two years of High School. But then I got bored with doing the same old same. So weekends turned from the not-so-exciting football games (we won each and every game which made them a total bore to watch) to my friends and I brainstorming in my living room as to what we could do for the night. We occasionally came up with some really fun ideas, like pushing my car up main street, filming pointless movies at the park, and doing autumn photo shoots up the Canyon; but once again, after a year and a half passed, we found ourselves bored. And so this was and has been the routine for the past 4 to 5 years of my life. Until now of course.

So here I am, 18, single, and a first semester Freshman in college. And what do you think I found myself doing for the first few weekends of my college experience? Doing practically NOTHING. Can you believe it? In college, the words weekend and boring don't go together. Somehow my jade past followed me here. Even after a summer of wishing, waiting, and literally counting down the days until I would be having 'fun' in college, I was haunted by the ghost of my past. Which brings me full circle to my simple, yet innovative answer.

Life's what you make it.

So I'm sure you're all wondering and want to know what I'm doing this weekend right? Well, I'm putting myself out there and going to a Toga party! And next weekend you ask? My friends and I are going to a Haunted House. So as simple as it seems, if you're bored, DO SOMETHING! If you're unhappy, do something that will make you happy (unless making you happy would mean murdering someone, at that point, I suggest counseling)! Because, this is the life you've been dealt, and unpoetically spoken, Life is simply what you make it. So let's all make it a GOOD, FUN, and EXCITING one! Who's with me?!

Whether you are or you aren't, if you ever find yourself thinking sometime down the road "What am I doing with my life?" or "My life sucks!", my simple response to you will be, "Life's what you make it".

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Can I say I love you? Why yes. A lot. You are an amazing friend, woman and example!! I love you besss frennn!! Life IS what you make it and I am totally with you. Plus... you're an amazing writer. Have you considered journalism?? ;)
