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Monday, October 14, 2013

The Three Year Delay

I'm Baaaaaaaack! Yes folks, that's right. Three years, it's been THREE YEARS almost on the dot since my last post and let's just say that, well...things have definitely changed. Let me explain:

Since October 2010 I've done a little bit of this...  

Met some of the best people ever at BYU-Idaho (studying business as my major and music as my minor) and had a St. Patty's party you wouldn't believe :)
Voyaged the waters of Idaho with some pretty cool people
Met this guy in December of 2011-this is the first photo we took together Labor Day Weekend at Lake Powell 2012-Believe me, I NEVER saw this coming....
Started dating that ^ guy a few weeks later (long distance I might add) and fell in love...
Sent this AWESOME Elder off to Argentina! He just met his one year mark on October 10th, Let the countdown begin!!
A few months later on my 21st birthday - February 6, 2013 - got engaged to Steen Curtis Sorensen
And had a total blast taking our engagements with Moxie Photography! Although the sun was a little much for Steen's eyes to handle haha

And here are a few pictures from our bridals/groomals and wedding day!!

Family <3

The day was absolutely gorgeous, cloudy just the way I like it but the sun peeked through just enough-absolute perfection!

Ya I have the best friends in the whole world :)

Steen and his dad Tove

And a few bridal photos

My handsome lover

Ummmm, I am in love with my dress! it was absolute perfection.


And yes I'm still playing the piano, just not as often as I'd like to
Did I mention I had the best reception ever? I think this picture says a lot ;)
And I totally hammered him with cake, then he caught on haha

And life's just plain ol' sweet

 Sooo there's a miniscule re-cap of the past three years...or mainly the last year of my life haha What can I say? It's been by far the most eventful, fun, trying, but rewarding year of my life thus far and I couldn't be happier!

And a few random tidbits:
1. Favorite pandora station-Hipster BBQ, ya you'd be surprise
2. Currently live in an old (as in 100 years) Victorian house downtown Provo that is poorly insulated and tiny, which encourages cuddles through frigid nights, we don't mind much ;)
3. I get shocked every single time I drink from a drinking fountain and it drives me INSANE
4. We adopted a kitty cat and called her Misha but she doesn't even know that's her name because we call her so many nick-names for example: Mishi, Keesh-Mo, Keeshy, Niccamo, KeesMeow, and so many more awkward names
5. Autumn is my favorite season and not only for sweaters, boots, and snugly clothing...but that may or may not be a big contributing factor ;)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nothing like some good music to cheer you up :)

Sometimes...a lot of the time, I find myself thinking, "What am I going to do with my life?" Here I am, almost 19 (which means almost 20-ahhhhhh!!!), 'stuck' in Rexburg, Idaho, getting my generals done in college. My current declared major is International Business, and although I'm really enjoying the once a week for one hour class, I feel more confused than ever. I am also halfway in the music program, but I'm positive I don't want to major in piano performance or piano pedagogy (which means music education/teaching). Everyday on my way to my music classes I pass by the fenced-in playground for the little kindergartners and can't help but want to be there with them. Besides, I've always wanted to be a teacher just like my 5th and 6th grade teachers were. So this brings me to my top three occupational options: 1. Business 2. Music 3. Elementary Education. Now which one do I reallllly want to do? Ideally, I'd like to mesh music and business together but I have no idea how I would find a school that offers something like that as a Major. I don't even know what jobs are available in that field. Any ideas? If so PLEASE let me know :) And while we're on the subject of music, why not lighten the mood! So here's a current list of my favorite songs:
-Boogie Shoes by KC and the Sunshine Band
-Brand New Key by Melanie
-Diplomat's Son by Vampire Weekend
-Human Wings by Fictionist
-Dust In the Wind by Kansas
-In the Summertime by Mungo Jerry
-Saskia Hamilton by Ben Folds
I guess that's it for now, but these are seriously GREAT songs so look em up! Hope you enjoy :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Food, Fun, and Frights!

So, as it turns out... the anxiously awaited Toga party was...cancelled :( But that's life right? So instead of crying about not being able to party like a Greek, my roommates and I got all dolled up and hit up the platitudinous town of Rexburg Idaho for a night of food, fun, and frights!
The quaint town of Rexburg may not seem like the ideal College town, which sadly I would agree with that, but, I will give it props for having a surprisingly delicious pizza and salad buffet restaurant called Craigo's. Now because there really isn't that much to do up here in Rexburg, Craigo's has been a refuge to the bored and hungry college men around town. So when my 3 roommates and I were tossing out ideas about what to do for the night, naturally we decided to head to Craigo's for some good food with a great view, if you know what I mean ;) And so after enjoying our dinner with a view, we headed back to our dorm, it only being 9:30. I sure wasn't ready to go to bed just yet so I got online and searched for the next best thing I could think of: ~The TwIlIgHt ZoNe~, yes the old black and white tower of terror t.v. series. Normally I'm not one who enjoys being scared, but I figured I could use a little Halloween pick-me-up. So as my roommates and I started the show, a horribly loud scream scared us from outside. We ran to the door and peeked our heads outside. 4 girls from upstairs were outside their door looking horrified so we asked them what was wrong. Now, I understand this may not sound sane, but... I'll leave it to you whether or not you think so. Anyway we run upstairs and the scared girls explain that a "light like a bar code" keeps appearing rolling slowly across the ceiling, and that for weeks now they've thought their apartment was haunted. To make a long story short, we were scared too, and eventually their apartment had to be blessed so that no more 'hauntings' would occur. Ya ya...sounds pretty lame the way I put it, but seriously, it was really freaky.
Anyway, sorry it's taken me SO long to post, I don't really know where the time goes but it sure does fly. So long for now :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Haunting By the Ghost of My Past

After 18 consecutive years of coasting through life, I've come to the prudent conclusion that... wait for it... Life's what you make it. And no, it's not just the words to some incompetent teen star's cheesy lyrics. This phrases' unwarranted simplicity may not take you by surprise, but like I said, it's taken me 18 years to realize. So you're probably wondering what made me realize this small and simple conclusion, so I'll tell you.

Here I am, 18, single, and a first semester Freshman in college. Woah woah woah, let's back up a bit, to a time that was and is known as being extremely confusing, awkward, and downright annoying. What other time could I be describing? None other than High School.

I attended a fairly wealthy High School, where cliques were extremely prominent, and school pride was surprisingly high. Whenever the weekends would roll on around it meant practically a mandatory attendance at our 4-year state champion football team's home-game, stag dances, or hanging out at the local grocery store called Days Market. Now don't get me wrong, these activities were absolutely great... for the first two years of High School. But then I got bored with doing the same old same. So weekends turned from the not-so-exciting football games (we won each and every game which made them a total bore to watch) to my friends and I brainstorming in my living room as to what we could do for the night. We occasionally came up with some really fun ideas, like pushing my car up main street, filming pointless movies at the park, and doing autumn photo shoots up the Canyon; but once again, after a year and a half passed, we found ourselves bored. And so this was and has been the routine for the past 4 to 5 years of my life. Until now of course.

So here I am, 18, single, and a first semester Freshman in college. And what do you think I found myself doing for the first few weekends of my college experience? Doing practically NOTHING. Can you believe it? In college, the words weekend and boring don't go together. Somehow my jade past followed me here. Even after a summer of wishing, waiting, and literally counting down the days until I would be having 'fun' in college, I was haunted by the ghost of my past. Which brings me full circle to my simple, yet innovative answer.

Life's what you make it.

So I'm sure you're all wondering and want to know what I'm doing this weekend right? Well, I'm putting myself out there and going to a Toga party! And next weekend you ask? My friends and I are going to a Haunted House. So as simple as it seems, if you're bored, DO SOMETHING! If you're unhappy, do something that will make you happy (unless making you happy would mean murdering someone, at that point, I suggest counseling)! Because, this is the life you've been dealt, and unpoetically spoken, Life is simply what you make it. So let's all make it a GOOD, FUN, and EXCITING one! Who's with me?!

Whether you are or you aren't, if you ever find yourself thinking sometime down the road "What am I doing with my life?" or "My life sucks!", my simple response to you will be, "Life's what you make it".